Ingredients of non-dairy creamer

Ingredients of non-dairy creamer

Non-Dairy Creamer (Vegetable Fat Powder)

Non-dairy creamer is a powdery substance made from vegetable oils, with its main ingredients including vegetable oils and starch.

Vegetable Oils
Vegetable oils are one of the primary components of non-dairy creamer. These oils can be derived from plants such as soybeans, peanuts, palm, olives, sunflower seeds, and others. Vegetable oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and oleic acid, all of which are beneficial to human health. They also contain a certain amount of vitamin E and other nutrients.

Starch is another key ingredient in non-dairy creamer. It is the energy storage substance of plants, with common sources including corn starch and potato starch. Starch is a polysaccharide made up of many glucose molecules chemically bonded together and serves as an important source of energy for the human body.

In addition to vegetable oils and starch, non-dairy creamer may also contain other auxiliary ingredients such as antioxidants, preservatives, and emulsifiers, which help to improve the stability and shelf life of the product.

Overall, non-dairy creamer is primarily composed of vegetable oils and starch, making it an energy- and nutrient-rich plant-based food ingredient.
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